To update firmware of GIGABYTE BMC, we offer tools can be used in a variety of OS: DOS, Windows, Linux, Freebsd. Files Hierarchy ├── doc │   └── BMCFirmwareUpdate.txt ├── fw │   ├── 0001.fru ; Default FRU Data, it is undefined FRU for recovery BMC. │   ├── 024.sdr ; SDR data in text format. │   ├── 100.bin ; Whole 16M/32M Bytes in binary for raw programming or recovery BMC. │   └── 100.img ; A specific images can be used in run-time. ├── others │   ├── recovery │   │   ├── DOS4GW.EXE ; It allows all DOS program accessing 32-bits data. │   │   ├── FRU.EXE ; The utility can be used to read/modify FRU data in BMC. │   │   ├── KCS.EXE ; The utility can be used to communication BMC via KCS channnel. │   │   ├── R1.bat ; A batch file to recovery BMC. │   │   ├── R2.bat ; A batch file to recovery BMC with User Configuration Reserved. │   │   ├── RN.bat ; Reset BMC to Factory Default. │   │   ├── SENSEL.EXE ; Display Sensor Status and System Event Log. │   │   ├── socflash.EXE ; The utility is flash tool for recovery BMC. │   │   └── WAIT.EXE ; The utility is used on batch executing and waiting for some events. │   └── tool │   ├── dos │   │   ├── DC_SELF.EXE ; Tell BMC to issue DC ON/OFF/Cycle command by IPMI command. │   │   ├── DOS4GW.EXE ; It allows all DOS program accessing 32-bits data. │   │   ├── DUMPSEL.EXE ; Dump and save System Event Log as one file. │   │   ├── FRU.EXE ; The utility can used to read/modify FRU data in BMC. │   │   ├── KCS.EXE ; The utility can be used to communication BMC via KCS channnel. │   │   └── SENSEL.EXE ; Display Sensor Status and System Event Log. │   └── windows │   ├── dc_self.exe ; Tell BMC to issue DC ON/OFF/Cycle command by IPMI command. │   ├── IpmiIo.dll ; A library of IPMI to allow kcsw.exe, Senselw.exe executed in in-band mode. │   ├── ipmilpcdriver32.sys ; 32-bits drivers of IPMI │   ├── ipmilpcdriver64.sys ; 64-bits drivers of IPMI │   ├── kcsw.exe ; The utility can be used to communication BMC via KCS channnel. │   └── Senselw.exe ; Display Sensor Status and System Event Log. └── utility └── fwud ├── dos │   ├── CHOICE.COM ; Waiting for BMC to finish something. │   ├── DOS4GW.EXE ; It allows all DOS program accessing 32-bits data │   ├── flashAll.bat ; The batch file was used to update BMC │   ├── flash.bat ; The batch file was used to update BMC with user data reserved. │   ├── KCS.EXE ; The utility can be used to communication BMC via KCS channnel. │   ├── MACBACK.exe ; The utility was designed to backup MAC address. │   └── socflash.EXE ; The utility is flash tool for recovery BMC. ├── freebsd │   ├── 32bit │   │   ├── bmcfwub ; The utility was designed to update BMC on freebsd 32-bits platform. │   │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   │   └── ; IPMI library │   ├── 64bit │   │   ├── bmcfwub ; The utility was designed to update BMC on freebsd 64-bits platform. │   │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   │   └── ; IPMI Library │   ├── ud32.csh ; The c shell script calls 32bit/bmcfwub to update BMC │   ├── ud64.csh ; The c shell script calls 64bit/bmcfwub to update BMC │   ├── udr32.csh ; The c shell script calls 32bit/bmcfwub to update BMC with user data reserved │   └── udr64.csh ; The c shell script calls 64bit/bmcfwub to update BMC with user data reserved ├── linux │   ├── 32bit │   │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   │   ├── bmcfwul ; The utility was used to update BMC on linux 32-bits platform │   │   └── ; IPMI Library │   ├── 64bit │   │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   │   ├── bmcfwul ; The utility was used to update BMC on linux 64-bits platform │   │   └── ; IPMI Library │   ├── ; The shell script calls 32bit/bmcfwul to update BMC │   ├── ; The shell script calls 64bit/bmcfwul to update BMC │   ├── ; The shell script calls 32bit/bmcfwul to update BMC with user data reserved │   └── ; The shell script calls 64bit/bmcfwul to update BMC with user data reserved └── windows ├── 32bit │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   ├── bmcfwuw.exe ; The utility was used to update BMC on windows 32-bits platform │   ├── IOLRaw.dll ; IPMI Library │   ├── msraw.dll ; IPMI Library │   └── rmcpplustest.dll ; RMCP+ Library ├── 64bit │   ├── bmcfwu.cfg ; The configuration file was used to set KCS interface. │   ├── bmcfwuw.exe ; The utility was used to update BMC on windows 64-bits platform │   ├── IOLRaw.dll ; IPMI Library │   ├── msraw.dll ; IPMI Library │   └── rmcpplustest.dll ; RMCP+ Library ├── ud32.bat ; The batch file calls 32bit/bmcfwu.exe to update BMC ├── ud64.bat ; The batch file calls 64bit/bmcfwu.exe to update BMC ├── udr32.bat ; The batch file calls 32bit/bmcfwu.exe to update BMC with user data reserved └── udr64.bat ; The batch file calls 64bit/bmcfwu.exe to update BMC with user data reserved Example: 1. Update BMC with user data reserved cd utility\fwud\dos flash.bat 2. Update BMC and erase user data. cd utility\fwud\dos flashall.bat