Filename: SMT_X11_126.bin version: 1.26 Date: 09-19-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r31 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: 73322 [ SUM 1.6.1 ] Get BMC config fail. 73753 [KBL BIOS ECO] SUM can't test Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run sum GetBmcCfg 02. Category: Fix Description: 73337 The 5VSB sensor reading is incorrect Infected motherboard: X11SSV-M4F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Open sensor page and check 5VSB reading. 03. Category: Fix Description: 72709 Run SMSTC is FAIL Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run sum GetBmcInfo 04. Category: New Motherboard Description: Support X11SSH-GF/GTF. Infected motherboard: X11SSH-GF/GTF Affected functions: Validation : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_125.bin version: 1.25 Date: 08-11-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: FW release Description: Add X11SSV-M4f board support Infected motherboard: X11SSV-M4F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add sensor list. 02. Category: New feature Description: Add NVME support [71116] [SMCIPMITOOL] Some NVME informations showed "unknown" on "Locate" amd "slot". Infected motherboard: X11SSL-nF Affected functions: Validation : 1. connect on board nvme. 2. check sensor page 03. Category: Fix Description: Activated OOB License is missed when updating FW from ~1.22 to 1.23-1.24 Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Use programmer to burn FW prior to 1.22. For example, 1.20. 2. Activate OOB license by cburn "OOBB" and wait the action is finished. 3. Update 1.25 FW. Then enter bios updating page, it should be activated. 4. Downgrade to older FW between 1.23 and 1.24. 5. Enter bios updating page, it should be activated. 6. Use programmer to burn FW between 1.23 and 1.24. 7. Activate OOB license by cburn "OOBB" and wait the action is finished. 8. Update 1.25 FW. Then enter bios updating page, it should be activated. 9. Downgrade to older FW prior to 1.22. For example, 1.20. 10. Enter bios updating page, it should be activated. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_124.bin version: 1.24 Date: 06-24-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Enhancement Description: change board ID, K1SPE: 0x09 0x42, K1SPE_IN001: 0x09 0x0E Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Login webui. 2. Check sensor reading in sensor page. 02. Category: Fix Description: [71364][IPMI] IPMI power consumption doesn't match up with Power meter reading. Impact motherboard: All multi-node platforms Affected functions: Validation : 1. Refresh and login webui. 2. See multi node web page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_123.bin version: 1.23 Date: 06-07-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: 71329 [IPMI] IPMI Web Session Timeout During IPMI and BIOS Flash Impact motherboard: X11SSE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Login webui. 02. Category: Enhancement Description: Change copyright 2015 to 2016 Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Login webui. 03. Category: Fix Description: [70064] No AOC Temperature Sensors Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Login webui. 04. Category: Enhancement Description: Add NVDIA K20 GPU support. [71181] NVDIA K20 GPU sensor reading issue Impact motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. check sensor page. 05. Category: Fix Description: [71580] [SUM 1.6.1] Get dmiinfo fail after 1000+ cycles. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run the test case 502. 2. It should pass 2000 times. 06. Category: Enhancement Description: [71561] FAN A keeps going "lower critical" with rev 1.01 mb Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. reset to default 2. check SEL page. 07. Category: Enhancement Description: [71327] [IPMI] Unexpected IPMI Events during RHEL 7.x installation. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. check SEL page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_122.bin version: 1.22 Date: 05-20-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: [70916] Set FRU1 Baseboard Version to R1.01 and FANB Sensor Missing. Impact motherboard: K1SPE K1SPE-IN001 Affected functions: Validation : 1. Use the same firmware to upgrade K1SPE and K1SPE-IN001 boards. 2. Check the sensor web page. 02. Category: Fix Description: [69117] Multi Node Feature Shows Incorrect Values Impact motherboard: X11SSE Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage. 03. Category: Fix Description: [71042] [Red_Fish] Can't Support Red Fish Automation Test Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run redfish autotool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_121.bin version: 1.21 Date: 05-09-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: New feature Description: Add redfish support in K1SPE Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Need to reset to default after upgrade. 2. Need oob licence to support redfish deature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_120.bin version: 1.20 Date: 05-05-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: [70888] Multi Node shows incorrect power and current consumption. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage 02. Category: Fix Description: [70944] [IPMI] LCMC Firmware Information String Not Aligned Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage. 03. Category: Fix Description: [70950] [IPMI] Multi Node: Remove CPU2 Temp Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_119.bin version: 1.19 Date: 04-XX-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: [70888] Multi Node shows incorrect power and current consumption. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage 02. Category: Enhancement Description: [70884] [IPMI] Memory Temperature Sensor String Does Not Match Motherboard Silkscreen Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Open Sensor page and check string of DIMM temperature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_118.bin version: 1.18 Date: 04-29-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: [70256] [IPMI] Multi node function doesn't work. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View multi node webpage 02. Category: Fix Description: [70742] There is no PWS readings under sensor page and no PWS failure LED as well, no SEL for failed Power Supply module as well. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. PSU sensor will show in sensor page. 03. Category: New feature Description: Differentiate intel OEM and STD K1SPE from FRU1. Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Use different fan curve by different board produce name in FRU1 04. Category: Fix Description: [70841] false SEL messages about AOC 3108 as "Drive Fault @ slot255" under IPMI webgui Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Plug in a AOC3108 on MB then boot and login to web to check eventlog subpage. 05. Category: Enhancement Description: Change the sensor threshold of P1V0_VCCPIO for K1SPE to support FTU. Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run FTU tool 2. See the FTU log file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_117.bin version: 1.17 Date: 04-19-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r27 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: New feature Description: 10G/40G Naming rule change Impact motherboard: All X11 MB Affected functions: Validation : 1. Change 10G/40G name to AOC_NIC_Temp 02. Category: Fix Description: [69484] [BIOS 1.0c ECO] SUM test fail [70158] [ SUM 1.6.1(2016/03/18) ] Test fail. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Do factory default action 2. Run SUM test 03. Category: Enhancement Description: Support GPU threshold in GPU thermal guide 1.09. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Reset to factory default by using the following command: ipmitool -I lanplus -H ${BMC_IPADDR} -U ADMIN -P ADMIN raw 0x30 0x40 2. power on the system with GPU card. 3. Check the GPU sensor threshold, refer to GPU thermal guide 1.09 (table 5-2) for detail threshold value. 04. Category: Fix Description: [70101] [IPMICFG] Change gate way fail. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. ipmicfg -dhcp off. 2. ipmicfg -m {IP}. 3. ipmicfg -k 4. ipmicfg -g {GateWay IP} 05. Category: Enhancement Description: [70122] [IPMI] IPMI shows PCH low criticial temperature events. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : It will not show alert when PCH temperature unavailable in short time. 06. Category: Fix Description: [70058] [BIOS/IPMI] No temperature reading on AOC-S40G-i2Q. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. View the sensor reading web page. 07. Category: Fix Description: [70520] Incorrect Fan Speed Control Mode in FW Rev1.16 Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : Check K1SPI fan zone. 08. Category: Enhancement Description: [70142] [HW/IPMI] VBAT voltage is going criticial low for some reason. Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : Check sensor page and SEL. 09. Category: Fix Description: [70389] there is no Fan speed control Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Change the fan mode 2. See the fan speed in sensor reading web page 10. Category: Fix Description: [70315] There is no CPU OH LED in front panel when CPU goes to critical temperature Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Trigger overheat event 2. See the overheat LED 11. Category: Fix Description: [70345] IPMI SEL gets "P0V75_VCCCLR" upper critical high during PTU stress test Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run PTU stress 2. See the SEL event -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_116.bin version: 1.16 Date: 03-24-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: [67570] Do we support power supply info "PS1 & PS2"uner IPMI sensor readings? Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Power supply sensor woild show in sensor page. 02. Category: Fix Description: [67996] No Power fail LED in front panel when removed AC code from power supply & there is no SEL message about power failure either Impact motherboard: K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Power fail LED will blinking when remove AC cord. 03. Category: Fix Description: [68921] WebGUI Help Menu Missing Impact motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Open LCMC update page and click help. 04. Category: Fix Description: [69138] [IPMI] 10G Temperature Sensor Shown on K1SPE SKU Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Open sensor page to check. 05. Category: Fix Description: [68484] Fail HWM VBat, IPMI FW:0.59 Impact motherboard: K1SPE Affected functions: Validation : 1. Open sensor page to check. 06. Category: New feature Description: support html5 Impact motherboard: All X11 MB Affected functions: Validation : 1. Need to reset to default after upgrade. 07. Category: New feature Description: Web GUI improvements Impact motherboard: All X11 MB Affected functions: Validation : 1. power control by upper-right corner new power button. 08. Category: Fix Description: [68568] No Temperature Sensor in IPMI for AOC-CTGS-i2T Impact motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. 10G sensor will show in sensor page as static sensor. 09. Category: Fix Description: [69117] Multi Node Feature Shows Incorrect Values Impact motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Currect output current in multinode page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_115.bin version: 1.15 Date: 02-19-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. Category: Fix Description: Cannot access GUI by IPv6 address when both "web port" and "web ssl port" are enabled. Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Enable "web port" and "web ssl port" in port setting. 2. Connect to the web ssl port by using IPv4 and IPv6 separately with browser. 3. GUI should be accessable by both IPv4 and IPv6 address. 02. Category: Fix Description: [68467] Wrong CPU sensor id [68464] Wrong sensor id Chassis Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Set the SMTP and alert correctly. 2. Generate CPU/Chassis related SEL. 3. Check the email wording. 03. Category: Fix Description: [68879] No sensor reading of intel 3120A Impact motherboard: X11SAT Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check this sensor in web page 04. Category: Fix Description: [68993] Sensor name of alert mail is not match Web Event log for CPU Overheat, Chassis Intru, Power Fail [68958] Sensor name of alert mail is not match Web Event log for CPU Overheat, Chassis Intru [68952] Sensor name of alert mail is not match Web Event log for CPU Overheat, Chassis Intru Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Set the SMTP and alert correctly. 2. Generate CPU/Chassis related SEL. 3. Check the email wording. 05. Category: Fix Description: [69135] Inconsistent GUI Content Descriptions, Help Message, and Titles Impact motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Please check IPMI Web GUI. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_114.bin version: 1.14 Date: 01-20-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 Redfish version : 1.0.1 01. category: new feature description: Support redfish impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. Need to reset to default after upgrade. 2. Need oob licence to support redfish deature. 02. category: fix description: [67682] No CPU Overheat beep sound impact motherboard: X11SAT affected functions: validation : 1. Trigger CPU oveheat and check this function. 03. category: Enhancement description: add IPMI FW recovery mechanism. impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. do AC off while IPMI fw is updating 2. FW will enter the recovery mode and update fw again by using inband update tool, like adupdate -f fw filename. 04. category: fix description: [67900] USB drop and CPU sensor gone when system idle impact motherboard: X11SSH-TF affected functions: validation : 1. VCPU will not disappear when system idle 05. category: fix description: [68114] X11SSL-CF 0x34 (Vcpu) voltage error impact motherboard: X11SSL-CF affected functions: validation : 1. CPU temperature and ADC sensor will show normally. 06. category: fix description: [67484] IPMI Web didn't show add-on card sensor reading impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. AOC sensor reading will show normally. 07. category: Enhancement description: Change SNMP WEB UI layout. impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. SNMP V2 and V3 can enable at same time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_113.bin version: 1.13 Date: 01-15-2016 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [67407] [SUM] SUM test was fail. impact motherboard: X11SAT affected functions: validation : 1. Reset to default will be share mode in X11SAT 02. category: fix description: [67748] Sometimes cannot open iKVM console after update IPMI V110 FW impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. Clear java cache by java control panel 2. Lunch iKVM console by web GUI 03. category: fix description: [68216] [BIOS 1.0a ECO] SUM can not be verified in only one LAN board impact motherboard: X11SAE affected functions: validation : 1. Reset to default will be share mode in X11SAE 04. category: fix description: [67743] X11SAT-F IPMI support share LAN only, so Network Status Link should be remove Dedicated LAN status impact motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. check IPMI web network setting page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_112.bin version: 1.12 Date: 12-31-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: workaround description: [68084] VCPU sensor upper critical-going high idle in OS impact motherboard: All affected functions: validation : 1. VCPU value greater than 1.7 will be filtered out. 02. category: fix description: [67922] No BIOS Version in IPMI Summary page impact motherboard: All X11 motherboards affected functions: validation : 1. login to web to check BIOS version. 03. category: fix description: [67419] 40G and 10G has no temperature reading in IPMI impact motherboard: All X11 motherboards affected functions: validation : 1. check web sensor reading page 04. category: fix description: [68216] [BIOS 1.0a ECO] SUM can not be verified in only one LAN board impact motherboard: All X11 one LAN motherboard. affected functions: validation : 1. Run sum test. 05. category: workaround description: [68089] System Hang after Flashed BIOS in IPMI Web impact motherboard: X11SSA affected functions: validation : 1. Add workaround for ME which command will time out after "force recovery mode" and "ME reset." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_111.bin version: 1.11 Date: 12-15-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [67689] Cannot control Watchdog by ipmitool cmd infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. Set wdt by ipmitool and will reset system in setting time. 02. category: fix description: [67587] Hardware sensor "VCPU" alarm threshold setting not correct infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. VCPU voltage will not show low critical if voltage > 0V. 03. category: work around description: [67400] Normal Open lost CPU sensor during running ONOFF test infected motherboard: X11SSH-F affected functions: validation : 1. View sensor reading web page and check the value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_110.bin version: 1.10 Date: 12-04-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [66505] MCU Info cannot Got infected motherboard: X11SSE-F affected functions: validation : 1.Write down board number and serial number by Ipmiview or Ipmicfg in advice 2.Check these information on node1 02. category: fix description: [67317] Redirect IPMI web to the login page fail after factory default. infected motherboard: X11SBA affected functions: validation : 1. Do factpry default and Web page will redirect after in 90s. 03. category: fix description: [67254] No power supply information in DMI table. [67178] SUM Test Fail [66945] Power fail status not follow design rule (add workaround) infected motherboard: X11SSE-F affected functions: validation : 1. dmiinfo could show right ps number 04. category: fix description: [67501] IPMI BIOS Update page show "Undefined" when language set to "Simplified Chinese". infected motherboard: All X11 motherboards affected functions: validation : 1. check BIOS Update page at website. 05. category: fix description: [67400] lost CPU sensor during running ONOFF test [66753] IPMI got some sensor reading lost after on/off test infected motherboard: X11SSH-F, X11SSE-F affected functions: validation : 1. Do ac on/off, CPU temperature will not lost. 06. category: fix description: [67217] [IPMI] HDD status always is Drive Fault [67245] IPMI web sensor reading not consistent with IPMItool sensor reading. [67242] IPMI got CPU throttled and Vcpu lower critical. infected motherboard: X11SSE-F affected functions: validation : 1. check HDD status in sensor page. 2. check PS status and vcpu in sensor page. 3. Remove power cords will not trigger PROCHOT. (for HW workaround) 07. category: fix description: [67244] Multi Node Monitoring is not working in IPMI web GUI. infected motherboard: X11SSE-F affected functions: validation : 1. check multinode status in multinode page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_055.bin version: 0.55 Date: 11-18-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [67045] no PCH & DIMM temp in IPMI infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. View sensor reading web page and check the corresponding value. 02. category: fix description: [67007] 12Vcc & Vcpu IPMI reading fail infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. View sensor reading web page and check the corresponding value. 03. category: fix description: [66918] Power fail LED frequency can not meet spec. infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. Trigger power fail event and view the operation of LED. 04. category: fix description: [66456] Overheat LED can't work. infected motherboard: X11SAT-F affected functions: validation : 1. Trigger CPU overheat event and view the operation of LED. 05. category: fix description: [67086] The IPMI hardware monitor test fail. infected motherboard: X11SSD-F affected functions: validation : 1. View sensor reading web page and check the corresponding value. 06. category: fix description: [66826] No Thermal Trip event. infected motherboard: X11SSD-F affected functions: validation : 1. Trigger CPU thermal trip. 07. category: fix description: [66825] CPU Overheat function still is not working. infected motherboard: X11SSD-F affected functions: validation : 1. Trigger CPU overheat event and view the operation of LED. 08. category: fix description: [66794] Cannot set P/T state manually by smcipmitool. infected motherboard: X11SSD-F affected functions: validation : 1. Setting P/T state value through nm command by smcipmitool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_054.bin version: 0.54 Date: 11-04-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: Correct accuracy of sensor reading for 3.3VSB, VCCSA, and Vcpu. infected motherboard: All X11 motherboards. affected functions: validation : 1.Open sensor reading page and check value. 02. category: FW release description: Add X11SSD-F infected motherboard: X11SSD-F affected functions: validation : 1. Add sensor list. 03. category: fix description: [66406] IPMI Sensor Reading function can't data. infected motherboard: X11SAT affected functions: validation : 1.View sensor reading page and check value. 04. category: fix description: [66407] IPMI FAN control function can't work infected motherboard: X11SAT affected functions: validation : 1. Change the fan mode. 2. Check the fan behavior meet Thermal Guideline. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_053.bin version: 0.53 Date: 10-16-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [66184] [SUM] Run SMSTC is FAIL [66134] [SUM] Run SMSTC is FAIL [66104] [BIOS ECO v1.00] SUM test fail [65960] [SUM] Run SMSTC test is FAIL [65941] [SUM] SUM Test case 215,305,306,307,313 failed. [65688] [SUM1.6.0] SUM test failed. [65614] [ SUM 1.6.0 ] SUM test fail. [64892] [SSM] Case311-002 "Change BMC Cfg" is fail. [64828] SUM test fail. [62270] SUM Test Failed infected motherboard: All X11 motherboards. affected functions: validation : 1. Run SUM test case 211, 212, 215, 305, 306, 410, 412. 02. category: workaround description: [66054] No Thermal Trip event. infected motherboard: X11SAE-F affected functions: validation : 1. Over heat CPU to trigger thermal trip event. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_052.bin version: 0.52 Date: 10-02-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: workaround description: [65807] VCPU sensor upper critical-going high during ONOFF test. infected motherboard: X11SSH X11SSM X11SSL affected functions: validation : 1. VCPU would ignore value over 1.6V for HW glitch. 02. category: fix description: Redirect IPMI WEB to the login page after executing factory default. infected motherboard: All X11 motherboards. affected functions: validation : 1. Try factory default and then wait for FW reboot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_051.bin version: 0.51 Date: 09-26-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [65628] Check NM firmware version failed infected motherboard: X11 MB with SPS FW supported. affected functions: validation : 1. It would not show "support node manager" when command nm detect. 02. category: fix description: [65270] E-burn stress test will generate Power Supply Event in ipmi-sel log. [65807] VCPU sensor upper critical-going high during ONOFF test. infected motherboard: X11SSL-F, X11SSM-F. affected functions: validation : 1. Run the on-off test. 2. Check the SEL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_050.bin version: 0.50 Date: 09-XX-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [64713] Virtual Media cannot be saved infected motherboard: All X11 MB. affected functions: validation : 1. The mount path include "\" could be save. 02. category: fix description: [64643] VCPU sensor upper critical-going high during ONOFF test infected motherboard: X11SSH-F affected functions: validation : 1. Vcpu reading over 1.77 will be filter 3 timesby this change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_049.bin version: 0.49 Date: 08-26-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [64370] There's 10G temperature reading item on IPMI Web [64444] [X11SSZ-QF] X11SSZ-QF not support 10G LAN, but still has "MB_10G Temp" item in IPMI Sensor Reading page infected motherboard: X11SSZ-QF affected functions: validation : 1. 10G sensor would not show in X11SSZ-QF 02. category: fix description: [64371] Sometimes VCPUGT reading will show as 0 [62657] IPMI Hardware Monitor Check fail infected motherboard: X11SSZ-QF X11SSZ-TLN4F affected functions: validation : 1. Remove sensor VCPUGT 03. category: fix description: [64685] Somtimes cannot detect CPU Temp in IPMI Sensor Reading page infected motherboard: X11SSH-CTF, X11SSH-TF affected functions: validation : 1. CPU Temp should detected on sensor page. 04. category: fix description: Enable thermal trip function. infected motherboard: X11SSH-CTF affected functions: validation : 1. New thermal trip event log after thermail trip. 05. category: fix description: Enable thermal trip function. infected motherboard: X11SSE, X11SSA affected functions: validation : 1. New thermal trip event log after thermail trip. 06. category: fix description: [64845] Function fail : X11SBA H/W monitor data can’t be read if IPMI can’t get IP. infected motherboard: x11sba-f/-ln4f affected functions: validation : 1. Keep LAN unpluged. 2. Boot to BIOS and use ipmicfg to get sensor reading ("ipmicfg -sdr"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_048.bin version: 0.48 Date: 08-10-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. category: fix description: [64159] word of activate license page will show "undefined" when language set to "simplified chinese" infected motherboard: x11sba-f/-ln4f affected functions: validation : 1. open web page in simplified chinese language setting then switch to "activate license" sub item. 02. category: fix description: [63613] Power LED didn't blink when system enter S3 state [62805] LED frequency fail infected motherboard: x11sba-f/-ln4f affected functions: validation : 1. Power on then wait for OS enter working state 2. Set "Action performed when power button is pressed" to "Sleep" or "Hibernate" then save. 3. Press power button to check power LED's blinking frequency. 03. Category: Fix Description: [64184 ] Functional fail : X11SBA-F/-LN4F R1.01 JL1 no function [64158 ] Jumper JL1 function could not be validated Infected motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Short JL1 jumper, then check IPMI web sensor reading page to see if chassis intrution is occurred. 2. Press "Intrusion Reset" to clear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_047.bin version: 0.47 Date: 07-31-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. Category: Fix Description: [64010] [EVT] Many IPMI Sensors Missing [64086] [EVT] NM No Working Infected motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page. 2. Check Node manager function by SMCIPMITOOL 02. Category: Fix Description: [63937] FAN5 no sensor reading Infected motherboard: X11SAE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page for FAN5 reading. 03. Category: Fix Description: [63861] IPMI didn't show add-on card sensor reading Infected motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page for AOC temperature. 04. Category: Fix Description: [63804] Hardware monitor of VPCH is fail. Infected motherboard: X11SAE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page for VPCH. 05. Category: Fix Description: [63919] LAN MAC Address Shows 00:00:00:00:00:00 in IPMI Web Infected motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Use latest bios FW 2. heck IPMI web page 06. Category: Fix Description: [64184 ] Functional fail : X11SBA-F/-LN4F R1.01 JL1 no function [64158 ] Jumper JL1 function could not be validated Infected motherboard: X11SSE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Short JL1 jumper, then check IPMI web sensor reading page to see if chassis intrution is occurred. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_046.bin version: 0.46 Date: 07-24-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. Category: Fix Description: [63882] IPMI Sensor Reading function is fail. Infected motherboard: X11SSL/M-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page. 02. Category: Fix Description: [63804] Hardware monitor of VPCH is fail [63276] PCH temperature didn't show in IMPI sensor reading Infected motherboard: X11SAE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page. 03. Category: Fix Description: [63744] SDHM test failed Infected motherboard: X11SBA-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check IPMI sensor reading page or use ipmicfg to show sdr. 04. Category: Fix Description: [63881] Cannot use ipmicfg.exe. [63896] Cannot use ipmicfg.exe. [63883] BMC status is incorrect in BIOS IPMI page. [63897] BMC status is incorrect in BIOS IPMI page. Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. Power on the system. 2. Check the KCS interface status with ipmicfg or BIOS IPMI page. 05. Category: Enhancement Description: Need to reset to default. Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 06. Category: Fix Description: [63944] No PCH temp reading in IPMI sensor monitor page [62658] Fan Pulse-Width-Modulation Measurement fail [62657] IPMI Hardware Monitor Check fail [62347] Functional fail : X11SSZ seires hardware monitor some item test fail [62049] IPMI Sensor readings function can't work Infected motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. PCH Temp and PS1 can show on sensor page. 07. Category: Fix Description: [63903] System will logout automatically when into "Toggle SUM Licensed Checking" page Infected motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. Enter that "Toggle SUM Licensed Checking" page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: SMT_X11_045.bin version: 0.45 Date: 07-XX-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 01. Category: Fix Description: [62804] IPMI hardware monitor fail. Infected motherboard: X11SBA-LN4F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check Vcpu/RT1 reading and compare it with measure result. 02. Category: Fix Description: [63181] No "Chassis Intrusion" item in IPMI sensor reading page [63030] The project has 6 FAN, but IPMI sensor reading only has 5 FAN item Infected motherboard: X11SSH-CTF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check Chassis intrusion and the total numeber of Fan sesnor ar correct 03. Category: Fix Description: [63028] NM is not working Infected motherboard: X11SSH-CTF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Use nm20 nmSDR command by smcipmitool to check if works 04. Category: Fix Description: [63327] The duty cycle of fan while power up is 100%, it should be 50% [63275] Hardware monitor of VBAT is fail [63274] Hardware monitor of VCPU is fail [63012] Fan Pulse-Width-Modulation measurement is fail [62948] Hardware monitor is fail [62744] The overheat LED didn't blink when FAN fail and power fail Infected motherboard: X11SAE-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check fan mode function 2. Check thermal trip function 3. Check fan fail function 05. Category: Fix Description: [63081] IPMI "System Event Log" setting cannot be reloaded Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: Validation : 1. "System Event Log" enabled. 2. Save IPMI Configuration. 3. Load Factory Default. 4. Reload IPMI Configuration. 5. Wait more than 60 seconds. 6. Check the "System Event Log" status. 06. Category: New Feature Description: LSI 3108 management Infected motherboard: All motherboards which support LSI 3108 monitoring Affected functions: 1. Activate OOB license (have a independent page: "Miscellaneous>Activate License") Validation : 1. MUST enable OOB license 2. Click "Storage Monitoring" page and start to manage RAID * RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50 and 60 supported * Add/Delete VD * Start/Stop to locate LED * Get 3108 controller information * Import/Delete foreign configuration * Display progress/remaining time or elapsed time when RAID is rebuilding 3. Suggest to upgrade LSI firmware to MR6.7_GCA_051215 07. Category: Fix Description: [63543] CLTM test failed. [62270] CLTM test failed Infected motherboard: X11SSM-F, X11SSL-F, X11SSL-CF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Run the CLTM test. 08. Category: Fix Description: [63158] [NM] Cannot Change P/T-State Limits Infected motherboard: X11SSA Affected functions: Validation : 1. IPMI firmware update to get CPU temperature from ME. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_044.bin version: 0.44 Date: 06-23-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 03. Category: Enhancement Description: Removing special character set restriction Infected motherboard: All Affected functions: All Validation : Could use special character in add user and modify user. 02. Category: Fix Description: C: [62502] Allow Factory Default to set iKVM language to default as well. Infected motherboard: All X11 Affected functions: Validation : 1. Change iKVM language to one that is not English. 2. Do restore to Factory Default. 3. Check iKVM language is back to English. 01. Category: Fix Description: [62473] Vcpu reading voltage is out of to tolerance in IPMI monitor. Infected motherboard: X11SSM-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check the Vcpu reading and compare it with measure result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_043.bin version: 0.43 Date: 06-05-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 05. Category: Fix Description: [62473] Vcpu reading voltage is out of to tolerance in IPMI monitor. Infected motherboard: X11SSM-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check the Vcpu reading and compare it with measure result. 04. Category: Fix Description: [62252] Change code to allow ADC sensor to work without ME. Infected motherboard: X11SBA Affected functions: Validation : 1. Able to see ADC sensor readings on Web. 03. Category: Fix Description: [61855][61918] Change Vcpu range based on CPU spec for X11SSL-CF and X11SSL-NF. Infected motherboard: X11SSL-CF/NF Affected functions: Validation : 1. No lower CT/NR triggered for Vcpu. 02. Category: Fix Description: [61856] Add offset to RT1 temp. Infected motherboard: X11SSL-CF/NF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Compare Web RT1 reading with infrared thermometer reading. 01. Category: Fix Description: Fixed the lock for Fru #1 not correctly locked at first time power on and after factory restore. Infected motherboard: All X11 Affected functions: Validation : 1. Do factory restore. 2. Write to Fru #1 and check if the write fails. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_042.bin version: 0.42 Date: 05-22-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 09. Category: Fix Description: [61855] Incorrect VCPU voltage. [61858] Incorrect sensor naming and voltage value. Infected motherboard: X11SSL-CF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Check VCPU and Vcpu1_VSA voltage. 08. Category: Fix Description: [61769] Short jumper JL1, the IPMI sensor reading "Chassis Intru" item's status not change. Infected motherboard: X11SSL-CF Affected functions: Validation : 1. Short jumper JL1, see if chassis intrusion is triggered on IPMI sensor. 07. Category: Fix Description: [61582] Virtual storage cannot be removed when iKVM reset Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1.IKVM reset shold remove all virtual storage. 06. Category: Fix Description: 1. Add NM/ME support. 2. Issue #61700, Fix the naming of sensor. 3. Calibrate Vcpu and Vdimm reading. Infected motherboard: X11SSA-F/X11SSi-LN4F Affected functions: Validation : 1.Add NM/ME support. 2.Issue #61700, Fix the naming of sensor. 3.Calibrate Vcpu and Vdimm reading. 05. Category: Fix Description: [61585] IPMI cannot record Chassis Intrusion event when JL1 trigger Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Trigger chassis intrusion through JL1. 04. Category: Fix Description: [60963] IPMI hardware monitor fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. VCPU should be around 1.29v in dos. 03. Category: Fix Description: [61625] CLTM test failed. Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add throttling callback. 02. Category: Fix Description: [61579] Cannot upgrade BIOS by IPMI Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Update BIOS should not alwats show "Upgrade progress" 2. Should not show Board ID mismatch event the ID was same. 01. Category: Fix Description: [61581] Cannot enable IPMI "System Event Log" function Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. System event log will clean and uncheck after factory default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_041.bin version: 0.41 Date: 05-11-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 11. Category: Fix Description: [60963] IPMI hardware monitor fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. PCH1.05 should be PCH1.00 10. Category: Fix Description: [61581] Cannot enable IPMI "System Event Log" function Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. The enable checkbox will not disappear after clean system event log 9. Category: FW release Description: Add X11SSM board support Infected motherboard: X11SSM Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add sensor list. 8. Category: Fix Description: [61630] Fan Pulse-Width-Modulation fail Infected motherboard: All X11 Affected functions: Heavy IO mode. Validation : 1. Change the fan mode to Heaby IO. 2. Check the fan behavior meet Thermal Guideline. 7. Category: Fix Description: [61587] System will show "The IPMI Configuration file is damage" message when enter IPMI Configuration page. Infected motherboard: All X11 Affected functions: IPMI Configuration save and reload. Validation : 1. Close browser and open a new browser session. 2. Go to IPMI Configuration web page, save the configuration to local. 3. Reload using the configuration that was just saved in #1. 4. After BMC reset completes, go to IPMI Configuration web page again, and there should not be any error message. 6. Category: Fix Description: [61579] Cannot upgrade BIOS by IPMI Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Page BIOS upload should not show "Upgrade in Progress" every time. 5. Category: Fix Description: [X11SSA-F/X11SSi-LN4] Fix the memory reading Infected motherboard: X11SSA, X11SSI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Memory temp could be read. 4. Category: Fix Description: [61562] Sometimes Vcpu status is N/A or Lower Critical in IPMI Sensor reading page Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Change vcpu range to 0~1.52 3. Category: Fix Description: [61555] IPMI Timestamp start from 1970/01/01 00:00:00 Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add ME support 2. Category: Fix Description: [61553] "Refresh Preview Image" function is not working Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Refresh button should update new image. 1. Category: Fix Description: [61495] NM/ME no Support Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. nm20 nmSDR command should have response. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_040.bin version: 0.40 Date: 04-30-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 4. Category: FW release Description: Add X11SSL board support Infected motherboard: X11SSL Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add sensor list. 3. Category: Fix Description: [60632] IPMI sensor readings test fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. VCPU will show correctly. 2. Remove VCPUGT 2. Category: Fix Description: [60963] IPMI hardware monitor fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. VCPU will show correctly. 2. 3.3VSB will show correctly. 3. Remove VPCH1.5V 1. Category: Fix Description: [61141] Fan Pulse-Width-Modulation can't test Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Optimal mode should show on UI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_030.bin version: 0.30 Date: 04-17-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 5. Category: Fix Description: [60476] Fan fail function didn't work Infected motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. Led should ligh on and fan spped up when fan fail. 4. Category: Fix Description: [60963] IPMI hardware monitor fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. RT2 will show correctly. 2. VBAT will show correctly. 3. Category: Fix Description: [61141] Fan Pulse-Width-Modulation can't test Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. RT2 will show correctly. 2. Category: Fix Description: [60438] Front Panel OH LED solid light when system AC on Infected motherboard: X11SSZ Affected functions: Validation : 1. Led OH should not light solid when AC on. 1. Category: Fix Description: [60632] IPMI sensor readings test fail Infected motherboard: X11SSH Affected functions: Validation : 1. Sensor list does not disappear by randomly ME command 3E. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_020.bin version: 0.20 Date: 03-27-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 1. Category: FW release Description: Add X11SSA, K1SPI Infected motherboard: X11SSA, K1SPI Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add sensor list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filename: SMT_X11_010.bin version: 0.10 Date: 03-19-2015 U-Boot build time : 2009.01 (03 12 2015) Java SOL Viewer version : v0.5.9 Java iKVM Viwer version : v1.69 r24 1. Category: FW release Description: First release. Infected motherboard: X11SSZ, X11SSH-F Affected functions: Validation : 1. Add sensor list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------